Say Hello to Linda Wilson!!
She is this weeks resident spotlight. Linda has been living at Washington Senior Living for 2 years. Linda has 1 daughter, 1 Grandson and 3 Great Grandchildren. Linda was born in Jasonville Indiana. She breezed through high school and graduated a year early. She then attended Indiana State University. Linda started her college education in Music before deciding on and graduating with a Business Administration degree. It was there she met her first husband, a Baptist Minister, and relocated to North Dakota. In North Dakota she worked at the Trinity Bible Institute for many years.
Later in life Linda moved to Cleveland Ohio with her brother who helped take care of her. From there her brother was transferred to Peoria, IL with Caterpillar. Linda really enjoyed all her experiences living in different places but will always call Indiana home.
Linda’s words of wisdom:
Be sure to get a college education.